Company Date Flight Scheduled Destination Terminal Status
TRANS AIR CONGO 04/05/2024 Q8 9202 09:30 POINTE NOIRE Cancelled
CANADIAN AIRWAYS CONGO 04/05/2024 TWC 652 10:30 POINTE NOIRE Take off at 10:39
AFRICA AIRLINES 04/05/2024 AAT 102 10:30 POINTE NOIRE Take off at 10:59
RWANDAIR 04/05/2024 WB 210 11:20 DOUALA Take off at 11:41
ETHIOPIAN AIRLINES 04/05/2024 ET 861 12:10 ADDIS ABABA Take off at 12:28
CANADIAN AIRWAYS CONGO 04/05/2024 TWC 654 16:30 POINTE NOIRE Take off at 16:37
TRANS AIR CONGO 04/05/2024 Q8 9204 16:30 POINTE NOIRE Cancelled
AFRICA AIRLINES 04/05/2024 AAT 104 16:45 POINTE NOIRE Take off at 16:52
RWANDAIR 04/05/2024 WB 211 17:00 KIGALI Take off at 17:47
AIR FRANCE 04/05/2024 AF 722 21:10 PARIS-CDG Take off at 21:39
Company Date Flight Scheduled Origin Terminal Status
CANADIAN AIRWAYS CONGO 04/05/2024 TWC 651 09:10 POINTE NOIRE Landed at 09:02
AFRICA AIRLINES 04/05/2024 AAT 101 09:15 POINTE NOIRE Landed at 09:14
RWANDAIR 04/05/2024 WB 210 10:30 KIGALI Landed at 10:35
ETHIOPIAN AIRLINES 04/05/2024 ET 861 11:10 ADDIS ABABA Landed at 11:02
CANADIAN AIRWAYS CONGO 04/05/2024 TWC 653 15:25 POINTE NOIRE Landed at 15:16
AFRICA AIRLINES 04/05/2024 AAT 103 15:45 POINTE NOIRE Landed at 15:40
TRANS AIR CONGO 04/05/2024 Q8 9203 15:55 POINTE NOIRE Cancelled
RWANDAIR 04/05/2024 WB 211 16:05 DOUALA Landed at 16:32
AIR FRANCE 04/05/2024 AF 722 19:40 PARIS-CDG Landed at 19:32
TRANSAIR 04/05/2024 R2 3043 20:15 BLAISE DIAGNE Landed at 20:40
servair Servair Congo
provides a catering service on airline companies’ aircrafts.


snpc Société Nationale des Pétroles du Congo 
has an important fuel depot for its clients airlines’ aircrafts refuelling.
The company is installing a high capacity fuel depot on an area located within the granted zone.
total Total Congo Distribution
The company set up a gas station in an area of the airport. There is also a shop offering Total maintenance products.
Congo handling

Occupies and a reception desk for all clients and forwarding agents working at the airport.